Video - Fight for 15: Global Unity for Workers' Rights!
Fight for 15! 2024 was a year of struggle, unity, and achievements for fast-food workers. The Brazilian campaign ‘No Rights, Not cool’ secured important victories, such as preserving the hazard pay for several categories, including new benefits in collective agreements, and expanding free access to legal support. These achievements were only possible thanks to the fundamental partnership with labor unions, which served as a vital link to bring workers closer together and strengthen the fight for fairer and more dignified working conditions. We are proud to lead a campaign that connects workers worldwide in the pursuit of rights and improvements in the workplace. This global unity inspires us and reinforces that, together, we are stronger. We are ready for 2025, a year of new achievements and progress. United, we move forward! ‘No Rights, Not cool’ – together for your rights, here and around the world.”